[US] Friendville PVE/tradepost/SF Mods/Custom Mod package

Server Information
Hostname [US] Friendville PVE/tradepost/SF Mods/Custom Mod package
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 5 / 64
Location Canada
Platform Windows
Registered by smoothette
Registered since April 20th, 2024 08:26 AM EST
Last update June 9th, 2024 05:24 PM EST
Vote(s) 35
Rank 5
Score 54
Favorited 3
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Friendville is a wonderful community. come check us out!

we have a custom mod package please install tradepost mod, skunk FU mod, and load in one time thru yolauncher to activate the custom mod package

we do offer a starter kit and will build your monument for you when you choose a location for your claim.
Please check with a GM when you enter and we will be glad to answer questions or help where we can.